

All the World's a Stage: Top 10 RP hot spots in Cataclysm

by Dawn Moore Oct 17th 2010 at 8:00PM

Mr. Gray isn't here today. I heard some sort of rumor that he was competing in a chili cook-off, but that could be entirely fictitious when you consider the sources (he who shall not be named ...). As such, I jumped on the opportunity to cover his column for the weekend so that I could return to my RP roots. Taking over WoW Insider for a good four hours on a Sunday is also pretty fun.

Anyway, I jumped on the chance to write this column today because I actually used to type out an emote or two on my old server, Sentinels. Oh, the good old days of being a tyrannical cult leader; how I miss them! These days, though, I don't do much RP other than a little bit to weird out my fellow guildies (you must make an offering to the god of raiding before you pull a boss!). Despite this, I still feel very inclined to RP, and as I travel around the Cataclysm beta I often found myself thinking, "Wow! This would be a great place to RP!" So I've written this article with my top 10 picks for new RP hot spots in Cataclysm.

10. Hyjal

Do you ever notice that night elves don't RP in Darnassus? Sure, maybe a handful of them do, but not many of them. I blame it on the communal housing in their capital city and the fact that said capital city is about as far away from everything else as it could be. Fortunately, we now have Hyjal, which is just about as far away as Darnassus, but it's a hell of a lot cooler.

Obviously a quest zone, especially a high-level one, won't be a great hang-out spot, but I could definitely foresee its being used as a destination for many pilgrimages. Traveling to see the great tree of Nordrassil would be a big deal to any night elf or historian. Blood elves (especially magisters) may also find the spot significant, seeing as the Well of Eternity (from which the Sunwell originated -- Edit: Or not. Read this comment here for details) sits just under the tree. The druid burrows are also nearby, as well as a night elf prison similar to the one where Illidan Stormrage was once locked up. There are even night elf wardens, dressed in the same garb we previously saw on Maiev. The very beautiful Ysera is also there.

To top it off, Nordrassil is huge. You could live up there and do Avatar RP if you wanted to. Dawn cringes. There are a ton of branches you can fly up to and have a picnic on if you like, and if you wanted to go further from there, have at it.

9. Azshara waterfalls

The addition of flying mounts in the old world has given us access to so many new things, and these falls are just the start. These waterfalls are located along the mountainous borders of Azshara, close to Winterspring, and they're quite a marvel to look at. I encourage you to try standing in the mist at the base of them; it's beautiful.

Now, I may be dead wrong on this, but don't people like to RP next to waterfalls? Back in the days of AOL chat room RP, I know that one of the most popular RP hang-outs was the waterfalls of Rhydin. You could find all sorts of people just lounging about, taking in the view and barging into each others' storylines. I don't quite see that happening in WoW, but at the very least, I could see this being the spot for a romantic getaway or vacation with a few friends.

8. Orgrimmar: Valley of Wisdom

Orgrimmar got a major facelift this expansion, and the Valley of Wisdom is definitely the most different compared to what it once was. This is now basically the tauren district, which I think is wonderful for the handful of tauren RPers who (at least in my opinion) have the most trouble fitting into the Horde RP scene. The changes to the city now make Orgrimmar the epitome of diversity, and with so many races having a reason to be here, I hope tauren will be able to RP more in tune with their race's lore, rather than finding a way to fit themselves into that patch of grass in Silvermoon City.

The other good thing is that the Valley of Wisdom is tucked off away from the main traffic areas of Orgrimmar. You'll be able to avoid the non-RPers pretty easily over here, while still enjoying an interesting area in the capital city.

7. Dwarven hovels (The Wetlands)

Do you remember flying up to Ironforge from Menethil Harbor and seeing all those little hovels? Well, now you can finally get to them, and they're a lot more expansive than I realized. There are a few structures up here, plus some paths and farms, and there is a locked gate that leads to what I assume is Ironforge. Each home is stocked with the typical dwarven fair: weapons, booze and more booze.

I'm not sure how much farmer RP exists on the typical RP server. I have a fondness for it, but it usually turns into recluse RP so I guess it will just depend on what you're into. Even with a handful of NPCs around, I think these hovels are definitely nice locations for player housing; they're close enough to a city to be convenient, but far enough for them to be a little more private than that one house. You know what I mean -- that one house in a city that has no NPCs in it, and every RPer from Gilneas to Tanaris claims it as his own. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

6. Orgrimmar: Valley of Spirits

Orgrimmar again, but this time it's the Valley of Spirits, which is now awesome. The whole valley got overhauled so that it now not only has some really amazing troll architecture but also a goblin slum (not pictured) nearby. Just like the Valley of Wisdom, the troll district and goblin slums are far enough away from the main stomping areas of Orgrimmar to keep the RP mood intact. The whole thing has an amazing ambiance and I think troll (and goblin) RPers might really dig it here.

Overall, I have high hopes for Orgrimmar as an RP spot in Cataclysm, but it's really hard to tell what people are going to be into. I oftentimes find that people want to RP their own stories and just use WoW as a medium, rather than wanting to RP as characters that fit into the existing world and lore. There isn't anything wrong with that, granted, but I think that kind of trending is what has left Orgrimmar so dry up until now. It's also possible that it's just harder or less interesting for the average RPer to play a character who is so vastly different from himself, and the tribal and communal life that many Horde races exhibit is pretty far from the life of the average WoW player. Still, maybe these new areas will inspire players to try playing some of the lesser RPed races in Azeroth. Let's hope!

Tags: cataclysm-rp, featured, guide, guide-to-lore, hot-spots, hotspots, lore, lore-guide, role-play, role-playing-guide, rp-guide, world-of-warcraft-lore, wow-guide, wow-lore, wow-role-playing, wow-role-playing-guide, wow-rp, wow-rp-guide, wow-rping

Filed under: RP, All the World's a Stage (Roleplaying)

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Addon Spotlight: 4.0.1 updated favorites

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Addon Spotlight focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience: the user interface. Everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your addons folder will never be the same. This week everything broke, so let's fix it.

Addon Spotlight is going to do things a little differently this week. We've just come off a fresh, new patch, with loads of new abilities, content and system mechanics. Rather than focus on one or two addons this week, I want to give my readers a rundown on some of the crucial addons we all know and love, making sure you know what to update, considering some addons are taking the drive out of the car, so to speak. In addition, I'll give you some alternatives to addons that might not be functioning perfectly right now, tell you which addons are just being naughty and try to get you back on track before the weekend.

Classic damage and threat

Many addons have had Cataclysm variations and updates in the works, but most didn't get pushed out until late Wednesday night. Many people reported errors across the board as addons were mashing up against one another, ruining some people's nights. Recount, Omen and Skada have all been updated for 4.0.1, covering all of your damage and threat tracking needs. Be careful, DPSers, because some of your numbers might be awesome, but your poor tank is going to be very sad all night.

Download Recount at [Curse].
Download Omen at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Skada at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].

Raids and boss encounters

Those crazy fools over at Deadly Boss Mods, BigWigs and Deus Vox Encounters have got your back with an update for 4.0.1 that is stable, working and guaranteed to make your raid night go a little bit smoother. Raiding Tuesday night was a giant pain, with everyone's user interfaces on the brink. Having boss encounter addons ready to go after a new patch is a huge boon, considering most of the encounters in Wrath of the Lich King feel a little bit different with all the new changes. Update your boss encounters and make your fellow raiders a little bit happier.

Download Deadly Boss Mods at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Deus Vox Encounters at [Curse].
Download BigWigs Bossmods at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].

Action and cast bars

The two big names in action bars, Bartender4 and Dominos, both updated fairly quickly with 4.0.1 capable builds of these most important addons. I'm a Dominos man myself, so I can speak confidently when I say it's running fine with zero problems. I had one personal mishap with a profile issue, but it was all over quickly and the problem was solved. My Bartender4-savvy friends tell me that Bartender is keeping it real, rocking it old school and generally having an awesome night on the town after that horrible break-up with Samantha. That could have also been my buddy Rick. Either way, it involved bars.

My past recommendation of Castbars exploded on patch day. Without a working cast bar, I was not in a happy mood. I shifted over to Quartz, the reigning cast bar addon that I had proposed an alternative to a while back -- but lo and behold, I have totally refallen in love with Quartz. It's working great for the new patch and has even changed a lot of my own cast bar behaviors. You won me back, Quartz. That's a tough sell.

Download Bartender4 at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Dominos at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Quartz at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].

Unit frames

Unit frames are a staple of player interfaces, and thankfully, many of your favorites are working perfectly fine under the new 4.0.1 regime. Shadowed Unit Frames, my personal favorite, was not updated for 4.0.1 and was giving me some trouble. Shadowed, the creator, has recently announced that he is leaving the project and handing it over to the very capable hands of Antiarc and Nevcairiel. If you can't wait for an updated SUF, however, Pitbull and Stuf are both extremely capable and feature rich unit frames. I switched over to Stuf for a while until SUF is back up and running, and the customization options in Stuf blow my mind every time I use it. If you want complete and utter control over your unit frames and have the patience to sit with it, Stuf is your man. Pitbull really doesn't need an introduction, because it's great and everyone already knows it.

Update: SUF does have updates for 4.0.1, released after I had written the round-up. You can find the latest version of Shadowed Unit Frames at [WowAce].

Download Pitbull at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Stuf at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].

Healing UIs

Healers, rejoice! Not all is lost in your worlds, despite all of those new healy ... things ... going on. Something about mana? I don't know! I think that there's a tree involved. Anyway, Blizzard released this patch with a brand new raid UI that is a somewhat-capable facsimile of Grid, which is currently updated but experiencing a few issues that should all be fixed up soon. Vuhdo and Healbot users, have no fear, because your favorite healing augmenters are ready and raring to go.

Blizzard's new raid UI tries to be Grid for everyone, but misses the biggest boon of Grid -- customization. Sure, it's better than what was there before, but raid frames and healing interfaces are clearly the domain of the addon creators. With the newest raid frames, Blizzard seems to be acknowledging that.

Download Vuhdo at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Healbot Continued at [Curse].

Personal addon staples

Finally, I wanted to let you guys know about a few of my personal staples that, really, I have a hard time living without. Everyone knows Postal, the ubiquitous mail addon that makes the in-game mail system tolerable. It's been updated for patch 4.0.1, even after some hair-raising moments last night where Postal gave me a few issues. I might have cried.

Arkinventory is another addon that is finally updated to 4.0.1, but for a while on patch day I was getting some errors. Thankfully, that all seems to have gone by the wayside, and even better, all of my previous settings were perfectly intact. Rejoice!

Finally, OmniCC has a new, special place in my heart, as I adjust to my new life as an arms warrior in PvE as well as the new tanking changes. Seeing cooldowns on Rend, for instance, neatly displayed on my enemy's target frame is something I couldn't live without. OmniCC is updated and doing what it does with a stable and solid build.

Download Postal at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].
Download Arkinventory at [Curse].
Download OmniCC at [Curse] or [WoWInterface].

Double finally

Finally-finally, don't forget to update the two best addons ever, Addon Control Panel and ButtonFacade, both sparkly and shiny and patch-4.0.1-resistant.

Download Addon Control Panel at [Curse].
Download ButtonFacade at [Curse].

For a list of all addons updated for the new 4.0.1 patch and Cataclysm, hit up Curse for a comprehensive list.

Good luck with your interfaces, everyone. Next week on Reader UI of the Week, we'll discuss and highlight some of the UI packs that have updated for patch 4.0.1, so if you have a favorite UI pack that's stable and patch-ready, email me and let me know.
Addons are what we do on Addon Spotlight. If you're new to mods, Addons 101 will walk you through the basics; see what other players are doing at Reader UI of the Week. If there's a mod you think Addon Spotlight should take a look at, email Tags: 4.0.1, action-bar, action-bar-mods, action-bars, add-on, add-on-configuration, add-on-guide, addon-configuration, addon-control-panel, addon-guide, addon-unit-frame, addons, addons-4.0.1, button-facade, cast-bar, cast-bar-addon, cast-bars, castbars, featured, guide, heal-addons, healer-addon, healer-addons, healer-ui, healers, mail-addons, omnicc, postal, unit-frame-addons, unit-frames, update-4.0.1, updated-addons, wow-add-on, wow-add-on-guide, wow-add-ons, wow-addon-guide, wow-addons, wow-guide

Filed under: Add-Ons, AddOn Spotlight

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All the World's a Stage: Top 10 RP hot spots in Cataclysm

by Dawn Moore Oct 17th 2010 at 8:00PM

Mr. Gray isn't here today. I heard some sort of rumor that he was competing in a chili cook-off, but that could be entirely fictitious when you consider the sources (he who shall not be named ...). As such, I jumped on the opportunity to cover his column for the weekend so that I could return to my RP roots. Taking over WoW Insider for a good four hours on a Sunday is also pretty fun.

Anyway, I jumped on the chance to write this column today because I actually used to type out an emote or two on my old server, Sentinels. Oh, the good old days of being a tyrannical cult leader; how I miss them! These days, though, I don't do much RP other than a little bit to weird out my fellow guildies (you must make an offering to the god of raiding before you pull a boss!). Despite this, I still feel very inclined to RP, and as I travel around the Cataclysm beta I often found myself thinking, "Wow! This would be a great place to RP!" So I've written this article with my top 10 picks for new RP hot spots in Cataclysm.

10. Hyjal

Do you ever notice that night elves don't RP in Darnassus? Sure, maybe a handful of them do, but not many of them. I blame it on the communal housing in their capital city and the fact that said capital city is about as far away from everything else as it could be. Fortunately, we now have Hyjal, which is just about as far away as Darnassus, but it's a hell of a lot cooler.

Obviously a quest zone, especially a high-level one, won't be a great hang-out spot, but I could definitely foresee its being used as a destination for many pilgrimages. Traveling to see the great tree of Nordrassil would be a big deal to any night elf or historian. Blood elves (especially magisters) may also find the spot significant, seeing as the Well of Eternity (from which the Sunwell originated -- Edit: Or not. Read this comment here for details) sits just under the tree. The druid burrows are also nearby, as well as a night elf prison similar to the one where Illidan Stormrage was once locked up. There are even night elf wardens, dressed in the same garb we previously saw on Maiev. The very beautiful Ysera is also there.

To top it off, Nordrassil is huge. You could live up there and do Avatar RP if you wanted to. Dawn cringes. There are a ton of branches you can fly up to and have a picnic on if you like, and if you wanted to go further from there, have at it.

9. Azshara waterfalls

The addition of flying mounts in the old world has given us access to so many new things, and these falls are just the start. These waterfalls are located along the mountainous borders of Azshara, close to Winterspring, and they're quite a marvel to look at. I encourage you to try standing in the mist at the base of them; it's beautiful.

Now, I may be dead wrong on this, but don't people like to RP next to waterfalls? Back in the days of AOL chat room RP, I know that one of the most popular RP hang-outs was the waterfalls of Rhydin. You could find all sorts of people just lounging about, taking in the view and barging into each others' storylines. I don't quite see that happening in WoW, but at the very least, I could see this being the spot for a romantic getaway or vacation with a few friends.

8. Orgrimmar: Valley of Wisdom

Orgrimmar got a major facelift this expansion, and the Valley of Wisdom is definitely the most different compared to what it once was. This is now basically the tauren district, which I think is wonderful for the handful of tauren RPers who (at least in my opinion) have the most trouble fitting into the Horde RP scene. The changes to the city now make Orgrimmar the epitome of diversity, and with so many races having a reason to be here, I hope tauren will be able to RP more in tune with their race's lore, rather than finding a way to fit themselves into that patch of grass in Silvermoon City.

The other good thing is that the Valley of Wisdom is tucked off away from the main traffic areas of Orgrimmar. You'll be able to avoid the non-RPers pretty easily over here, while still enjoying an interesting area in the capital city.

7. Dwarven hovels (The Wetlands)

Do you remember flying up to Ironforge from Menethil Harbor and seeing all those little hovels? Well, now you can finally get to them, and they're a lot more expansive than I realized. There are a few structures up here, plus some paths and farms, and there is a locked gate that leads to what I assume is Ironforge. Each home is stocked with the typical dwarven fair: weapons, booze and more booze.

I'm not sure how much farmer RP exists on the typical RP server. I have a fondness for it, but it usually turns into recluse RP so I guess it will just depend on what you're into. Even with a handful of NPCs around, I think these hovels are definitely nice locations for player housing; they're close enough to a city to be convenient, but far enough for them to be a little more private than that one house. You know what I mean -- that one house in a city that has no NPCs in it, and every RPer from Gilneas to Tanaris claims it as his own. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.
6. Orgrimmar: Valley of Spirits

Orgrimmar again, but this time it's the Valley of Spirits, which is now awesome. The whole valley got overhauled so that it now not only has some really amazing troll architecture but also a goblin slum (not pictured) nearby. Just like the Valley of Wisdom, the troll district and goblin slums are far enough away from the main stomping areas of Orgrimmar to keep the RP mood intact. The whole thing has an amazing ambiance and I think troll (and goblin) RPers might really dig it here.

Overall, I have high hopes for Orgrimmar as an RP spot in Cataclysm, but it's really hard to tell what people are going to be into. I oftentimes find that people want to RP their own stories and just use WoW as a medium, rather than wanting to RP as characters that fit into the existing world and lore. There isn't anything wrong with that, granted, but I think that kind of trending is what has left Orgrimmar so dry up until now. It's also possible that it's just harder or less interesting for the average RPer to play a character who is so vastly different from himself, and the tribal and communal life that many Horde races exhibit is pretty far from the life of the average WoW player. Still, maybe these new areas will inspire players to try playing some of the lesser RPed races in Azeroth. Let's hope!

Tags: cataclysm-rp, featured, guide, guide-to-lore, hot-spots, hotspots, lore, lore-guide, role-play, role-playing-guide, rp-guide, world-of-warcraft-lore, wow-guide, wow-lore, wow-role-playing, wow-role-playing-guide, wow-rp, wow-rp-guide, wow-rping

Filed under: RP, All the World's a Stage (Roleplaying)

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WoW Priest Leveling Booklet - Take advantage of a Leveling Addon

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

The general public looking for a WoW Priest Leveling Brochure are going to be generally looking for ways they can level a clergyman even as speedy when possible.

This is as a result of so much agree the present magnificence is the overall toughest to level in the overall game. The truth serves as a sensible WoW leveling addon makes buying further toon to the general level cap relatively easy.

Even as high as no matter what skill build to manipulate since your advanced priest, I counsel trying out them all 3 at the same time as you level thus you'll request a feel as whatever you'll want to try the same time at the level cap.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

A smart starting time may be the general Shadow tree because you are really visiting be restricted since aid at more mo

dest levels.

Middle levels are usually beautiful smart for testing the Holy tree as a result of you're going to have more survivability with higher level help out spells plus you'll in all probability would like to walk additional dungeons. You'll be able to get into groups lovely rapid while a healer plus the forty-60 range serves as terribly easy to get well five-man groups.

I forever suggest more modern WoW priest try out the overall Strength of will tree once you buy closer to the overall level cap because it serves as the so much amusing talent build opinion. The present spec works well for the reason that dungeons, tank healing in ten or twenty five man raid groups and is merely a blast inchPVP.

Up of procedure all of the overall talent builds because the present class are extremely powerful and amusing at the level cap. The overall Shadow create will pull some beautiful unwell wear for the reason that players who perceive the way to play around the general class.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

View the original article here

WoW Leveling Guides - Revel in International of Warcraft Even Additional!

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

Locate the easiest methods and tactics to score your WoW self worth of level half to 80 in the overall swiftest the wherewithal possible through Zygor Leveling Guide. John Plan, the general handbook's developer is a self-proclaimed WoW professional who, thru the overall booklet, proves to be at the same time as he claims.

The overall format used to be pioneered by Zygor Leveling Guide. The present is having become at least one up of the overall most relied on supply inchWoW leveling as a result of up of the technology utilized plus the overall economical paths produced given that players.

Zygor's 0.5-80 Alliance & Horde WoW InchGame Leveling Guide will help you level uphill up of [*fr1] to seventy inchwhile short plus whilst rapid a

the wherewithal whilst six days. The present list will be briefly put in plus once in, you will be afflicted by hassle using it at all. It projects with an tutorial video which can help you begin working upward the order inchno time.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

The guide focuses on solo-leveling plus quests plus is not a lot of an admirer of grinding. This does not mean you'll't other half allowing for anyone though. The general features up of the overall guide will be integrated allowing for the overall game. The general inchgame map points your location, where you ought to be going next and explodes out a subtext up of the way far your destination is.

Its automated updates serves as maybe the overall manual's greatest feature. You don't must manually click in the week the hunt calendar; it merely updates itself. When you've did an exploration, the time table routinely grays it out and highlights this ones, whilst an arrow presentations rising to indicate you to your next destination. You do not be afflicted by to line approach points. Players might additionally locate Zygor's Manual to be invaluable by the time logging off of the sport; it retains you go on location after you chronicle back in.

If you've a character you've got been taking part in prior to your Zygor installation, you would like not fear regarding beginning of scratch because the general guide simply customizes itself to fit your level, magnificence plus range. You furthermore may get bonuses with each purchase of the general manual which included a lifetime up of for free updates, a forum, a Talent Make Guide plus etc.

Other products from a similar nature will be, Idemise Leveling Instruction manual and Joana's Leveling Guide. Locate their reviews at before buying.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

View the original article here

WoW Leveling Guide - What a World of Warcraft Leveling Guide Should Offer For Fast Path to Success

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

WoW leveling brochure add-ons are the general necessary element as any WoW gamer that desires to ensure their success by leveling in the air inchspeeds they consideration impossible. I personally regularly level uphill in.days to level 80. It wasn't forever that method, whilst a question up of fact I wealthy therefore many silly plus expensive mistakes prematurely this week that I nearly quit WoW. Well, which modified once I got hold of the proper kind from WoW levellng guide. Thus what on earth made the distinction plus anything does a instruction manual need to form a difference in.your leveling upward speed? View on.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

The general WoW leveling guide top add-in the week is what well off the difference. The reason bec

ause which was as a result of it brought advantages that the free leveling add-ons don't. To start allowing for, best add-ons offer inchgame waypoint arrows that point you directly to where you want to visit brand a quest. Second one, the overall top rate leveling booklet is conjointly terribly straightforward to take advantage of, it provides you all the guidelines you need to end the quest 3rd, the general premium WoW leveling booklet provides help without delay up of the WoW become skilled at that made the handbook, if you ever obtain stuck there is perpetually someone there to lend a serving to hand.

The general best WoW leveling brochure will supply you allowing for matters which the general for free add-ons just cannot. No more buggy software plus nice be of assistance to really wealthy distinction in the overall means I manipulate the sport now. If you shop as a best WoW leveling manual make sure to buy wisely therefore you buy at least one which has all of them the overall benefits I noted. Glad gaming.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

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World from Warcraft Leveling Handbook: For free Guides

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

World of Warcraft players are usually caught in.awe when they understand that just some up of his or her playmates will level rising at wonderful speeds. This quandary is felt by millions of players who don't have any impression in the week the employment of Global from a Warcraft leveling guide.

In the WoW, the wherewithal serves as a very important detail. Every second, each minute counts by the point you're playing. Players ought to perceive that they want to pay their the wherewithal in the overall highest ways attainable and this is by creating your character play around productively at all of them times.

The sport now be afflicted by saw lots up of upgrades where the overall grinding old fashion playing plus leveling rising is now not that effective. So much players this point will be employing Global

up of Warcraft leveling manual which suffer from mushroomed this week the general web to assist gain a lot of merit whilst playing. You can locate many leveling guides plus it will be rising to you to make sure that you're getting solely the overall best possible plus such a lot effective among the ones that are going to be being offered.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

Selecting your Leveling Manual

World of Warcraft leveling guides perhaps purchased of reliable sources. Although you might find free cheats, guidelines or camera work more than the general net, you're going to in a while understand which these will be not enough plus the general secrets projects up of people who have successfully leveled uphill in the game employing sure strategies. You'll expect to see a heap from marketing to attract WoW players to shop guides, yet on hand are going to be different ways to level upward plus this is in step with the overall self worth you're playing. Leveling serves as very important as players, whether or not they will be enjoying even as Horde or at the same time as Alliance.

WoW Leveling Basics

You'll start your leveling upward in the overall Elwynn Woodland plus just keep in the week killing the overall wolves which are going to be running around. The present will without human intervention decide on you to level 3. After you hints inchlevel, you should also repair your damages to organize since second quests. It serves as conjointly imperative that you equip yourself allowing for mandatory armor and weapons because you to strive against plus dissatisfaction monsters that are a lot of tricky to kill.

A Global of Warcraft leveling manual will conjointly teach you to use your grinding abilities to succeed in to level 4. Merely grind wolves until you pick upward eight wolf white meat items. You can also succeed in to level 5 simply and this can be done by grinding Kobold Staff in the area. By finishing 7 second quests, you're going to at once changed your self worth up to level 7. Thus, when you buy the danger to grind, use it and you'll level in the air abundant faster.

Moving from level seven to thirty is an excitement since them all players. You have to finish the hunt becoming offered to transport back into the sport, make sure that you invest in additional gold to buy wished items to move faster up the next levels.

World up of Warcraft leveling handbook can additionally teach you different methods and needed items at every level. For example, you'll want Gerick Padroof and conquer Defias at the Northshire Valley to earn twelve red burlap bandana. Just a few of the items you are going to wish to have this week the overall coming first levels will be the Gyromechanic gear, Bernice necklace and the overall Rumbleshot's ammo.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

View the original article here


The general WoW Leveling Manual

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

Warlocks create for the explanation that a sensible elegance from characters to play around with. The overall massive amount of wear and surviving ability together allowing for his or her pets that increase the general wear create one another 1 of the best classes. Subsequent to level 20 can rarely fall short of mana if at slimmest one uses the continuation faucet plus second abilities effectively. Warlocks can be utilized because questing lonesome inchplaces where teams are visiting be required. Here will be 1 or 2 ways in.which to make the overall perfect from warlocks inchWoW.


We aim in the general week offering a brochure specific to building the general highest warlocks and realizing the skills which are regularly arduous to slip on from. The present will help you inchrealizing the overall easiest skills for the reason that levelling up. Focus this week wear versus defence serves as

the advised approach to head concerning building warlocks plus thence the such a lot suited ability tree because this point is the Affliction tree. The current can building up plus optimize your mana plus at the identical the time earn you far DPS as well. Choose rising the overall superior corruption talent in.hierarchy to create a good warlock. Better person drain and creature siphon together allowing for More adept living drain is useful inchmounting the entire effectiveness of your warlock character. The overall affliction tree includes the general Fel concentration that offers you the power to 'drain tank' your enemies and makes your warlock stronger. Fit of Grim reach and Nightfall after the current plus Siphon vitality will also facilitate build up the general damage brought about by your warlock along allowing for the mana. At almost level 40, the Night time Pact, that serves as arguably the general absolute best ability in the overall Affliction tree, serves as unlocked. This is helping you utilize your pet since mana plus provides you almost endless mana.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

The general Final Warlock Levelling Manual

Levelling in the overall air is amusing because a ton of people and if you're 1 up of them at the moment carry out no longer shop given that a levelling handbook because your warlock. These guides can get you to the upper levels plus level 80 terribly easily plus spare you the joys from levelling up. The general levelling guides though are advised you do want to boost your levels briefly and whilst on hand are terribly handful of warlock levelling guides available, the best possible levelling guides nowadays hold all the overall categories together.

-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

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World of WarCrafts: The dark art of Christopher Bennett

by Anne Stickney Oct 18th 2010 at 6:00PM

World of WarCrafts spotlights art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music, fan fiction and more. Sample the whole spectrum on WoW Insider's Arts and Crafts in WoW page.

Is it Monday already? Fear not -- we've got some incredible art to shake up the start of the work week!
In a game populated with cuddly critters and pretty scenery, we sometimes forget that the world of Warcraft is a dark, dark place. Not so for artist Christopher Bennett, whose fan art twists the world of Azeroth into a dark mirror of itself. Christopher runs a Forsaken-only RP guild on Wyrmrest Accord (US-H) called and has done more than a few pieces inspired by his undead characters and companions.

Continue on for a chat with Christopher and his unique approach to the Warcraft universe, after the break.

World of WarCrafts: These are some really amazing, twisted pieces. How long have you been involved in art?

Christopher Bennett: I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon As a kid, I had an overactive imagination and drawing was the only way for me to put the images in my head down on paper so Mommy and Daddy could see. Back then I was still drawing very strange things. Zombies, monsters, lots of horribly grotesque things. I'm surprised my parents never took me to a psychologist! That probably explains a lot about me, though.

What about your art background? Any training?

I've taken a lot of college courses since middle school and even attended an art school for game art and design. I left to pursue other forms of art, as the reality my professors painted for me was a very boring, uncreative game industry not looking for ideas but for people to draw big, muscular football heroes. They told me that. Sad story.
I worked as a graphic designer for four years in a cubicle, was driven mad, built an underground lair and then I got into pantomime after I took a class at a community college. Somehow I now perform as a malfunctioning steampunk robot named Rabbit in the musical mime troupe Steam Powered Giraffe. A slight detour into acting and music, but I've kept up with my art and it has been a key tool in all aspects of my spontaneous life.

Wait, musical mime troupe?

Yeah, I'm a mime. I've heard all the jokes. People don't usually like mimes, but I think clowns are far worse. I dabbled in acting while attending high school and scored a few lead roles, so after leaving art school, I started doing some acting classes in college, which also included a mime class taught by Jerry Hager, aka Kazoo. He was the San Diego Seaport Village mime for 26 years. I found I had a knack for pretending to be trapped inside an invisible box and continued studying for two more years with my identical twin brother and our unicyclist friend.

I met the rest of the Steam Powered Giraffe crew while taking the class and we did white face silent auctions for charities, formed an improv troupe, did children's camps as pirates and cowboys, and then started busking as malfunctioning robots. It's a terrible idea and I think that's why people love it. Currently I also do the comics and graphic design work for our website and promotional material.

You have a very unique approach with your pieces. Are there any artists out there that you draw on for inspiration?

I really like surrealists such as Dalí, the disturbing nature of Goya and the super-exaggerated anatomy of Burne Hogarth. I guess I need to mention Tim Burton, as he's an obvious source of inspiration. But don't get me wrong -- I hated that terrible Planet of the Apes movie as much as you!
What made you decide to draw Warcraft art?

I am in love with the Warcraft lore. I really think Blizzard has paved the way for the future of entertainment, and WoW is the best MMO out there. There's a lot of love and talent that has gone into this game and as an artist, I really appreciate it. I've played WoW since Day One, but I'm not a huge gamer. I stayed a level 14 noob until The Burning Crusade released and I was assimilated into the roleplay community. Now I have a level 80 undead fury warrior and run an all-Forsaken guild on Wyrmrest Accord! Favorite race to draw? Forsaken. I love monsters and I love the twisted romantic theme of Sylvanas' undead. But I also am developing a soft spot for worgen, though I haven't tried my hand at one yet.

Any last words of advice to aspiring artists out there?

Draw! You should be drawing right now. Get off the internet and go to the park and start sketching trees and people. They won't think you're weird. Especially not the trees.

Thanks for your time, Christopher! Check out more Warcraft art from Christopher Bennett, as well as his other works, on his DeviantArt page.

World of WarCrafts spotlights art and creativity by WoW players, including arts and crafts, fan art, WoW-themed recipes, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction. Show us how you express yourself by emailing with your not-for-profit, WoW-inspired creations.

View the original article here


Secrets to Making Additional Gold in The World Of warcraft Game - Secret Gold Guide

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WoW Rookie: Patch 4.0.1 for rookies

by Michael Gray Oct 15th 2010 at 2:00PM

We were the happy recipients of patch 4.0.1 this week. A lot of what we know about the game changed on Tuesday, and many of us are even still recovering from all the confusion. If you're relatively new to the game -- or maybe just don't groove to keeping constantly daily contact with WoW news sites -- then you might not have been prepared. Or if you're mostly a weekend player, a lot of this is going to be brand new to you.

Patch 4.0.1 is a prelude to Cataclysm. The patch contains most of the basic mechanics and ruleset changes for Cataclysm. These are mechanics changes such as the redefinition of spirit, which is now a healer-only stat. Guild reputations are in place, even though there's no way to actually generate that reputation.

This buffer period gives Blizzard developers time to adjust the servers and various back-end systems. The gears can get oiled up real well, and the developers can handle issues before they wreck the launch of Cataclysm.

What's the biggest change?

The biggest change that affects your daily playstyle is going to be the large-scope changes to talents. You no longer simply spec a little bit here, a little bit there. Now, when you choose your first talent point, that will determine what specialization you are within your tree. Why is that a big deal?

This is actually a great blessing to those of us who enjoy the casual or rookie mindset. There's a certain amount of safeguarding here for those of us who don't want to number-crunch the very elitist of numbers. By restricting our talents within a certain tree and giving us our main abilities early within a tree, Blizzard is helping to ensure that we spend our points in a viable way.

Once you've earned the most advanced talent in your main tree, your other two trees will become active. You can choose to take a few talents in secondary or even tertiary talent trees, but this still won't require the high degree of precision that pre-4.0.1 builds required.

What else is huge?

Your addons may need updating. Enough gems have changed colors that you might need to swap them around a bit regain your armor's set bonuses. Your glyphs will definitely need updating because you can now learn all glyphs and basically decide which ones are active at any given time.

Where did my badges go?

OK, here's what happened to your badges. Badges began to be used in The Burning Crusade. The idea at the time was to provide supplemental gear for folks whose items didn't drop during raids. Folks could take their badge gear to fill out their armor kit and move on to the next raiding tier.

Since that time, however, there've only been about a half billion new raids, and of those half billion, a quarter billion have had heroic modes. And then a third billion have existed as both 10-man and 25-man raids. And every time we've stepped up a tier of gear among these different raids, we've needed a new type of badges in order to differentiate which gear to buy.

It ultimately ended up being a huge pain in the butt. So in Cataclysm, Blizzard has simplified the whole scheme. There are basically four different types of purchasable gear in Cataclysm, so there are only four different types of points to buy it with. At the end of the day, this all means that Blizzard had to convert extant badges into the new schema. Some of the oldest badges even got changed into gold instead of points.
This is confusing!

First, don't panic. Check out our information roundup if you want to read about the changes for your class.

Second, remember this isn't the first time we've all been through this. We had similar transitions between vanilla World of Warcraft into The Burning Crusade and then again from BC into Wrath of the Lich King. These few months can be challenging but will allow us to flow into a better, more balanced Cataclysm.
Things will feel way out of whack for a little while. DPS numbers change, health changes, healers feel different. It all adds up into feeling like virtually an entirely different game. But when we all launch into Cataclysm and get to rock out in the new expansion, it will feel worth it.

Visit the WoW Rookie Guide for links to everything you need to get started as a new player, from how to control your character and camera angles when you're just starting out, to pulling together enough cash for mid-level expenses such as mounts and dual specialization, to what to do when you finally hit level 80.

Tags: featured, guide, how-to-play-wow, new-to-world-of-warcraft, noob-guide, rookie-guide, world-of-warcraft-guide, world-of-warcraft-help, world-of-warcraft-noobs, world-of-warcraft-rookies, wow-guide, wow-help, wow-noob-guide, wow-noobs, wow-to-play-world-of-warcraft

Filed under: WoW Rookie

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WoW Insider reviews The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, by Christie Golden

Translate Request has too much data Parameter name: request by Michael Sacco  Oct 18th 2010 at 7:00PM

The Warcraft universe has incredibly rich lore supporting it, and it's natural that, like many IPs, it would expand outside of the game world. Warcraft novels have historically been hit-or-miss, largely due to the strengths and weaknesses of the various commissioned authors who write them. Some novels feature out-of-place characters invented by the author specifically for those particular stories; some struggle with the characterization of beloved characters. But there have been some bright spots: Rise of the Horde was a fantastic look into the birth of the Horde on Draenor and Arthas: Rise of the Lich King provided insight into the man who would become the Lich King.

These books have something in common besides their IP: Christie Golden wrote them. In Arthas, she gave Blizzard their first New York Times bestselling novel. Now, her latest offering is the Warcraft universe's newest novel, a tie-in to the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. We present to you our review of The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm.

The war in Northrend has taken its toll on both the Horde and the Alliance. Both sides lost tens of thousand of soldiers and citizens in the year-long battle against the Scourge and the Lich King, but some losses cut deeper than others. Varian Wrynn lost a father figure in Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, and the Horde lost one of their finest up-and-coming heroes, Saurfang the Younger. And it's not just people that were lost -- the war was costly in terms of money and supplies, leaving Stormwind and Orgrimmar in dire financial straits. Orgrimmar has also suffered unnatural droughts, causing Durotar's already-slim resources to dry up.
Things are so bad in, fact, that the Alliance and Horde have actually agreed to a truce, ending all hostilities on all three continents. Not everyone is happy about it, including the Horde's favored son, the Hero of Northrend, Garrosh Hellscream.

What drives The Shattering is politics and personal relationships between Alliance and Horde, teacher and student, tauren and orc, father and son, even Azeroth and Draenor. Golden wisely spares us the introduction of super-powered characters we've never met before, instead relying on strong characterization of lore figures we've grown to know and love over the game's six years.

Garrosh Hellscream, who's been the subject of much vitriol from some Horde players (and Alliance players alike), is given a fair shake in this novel, which finally sheds light on events that have been rumored for some time to occur pre-Cataclysm. But beyond that, we also learn what drives Garrosh, sometimes from inside his own head. He's presented as an individual, not a caricature; he's fiercely loyal to the Horde and an excellent warrior, even if his decisions aren't the correct ones 100% of the time. He really does want what's best for the Horde -- the issue being that perhaps his Horde isn't today's Horde, but the juggernaut his father could have built were he alive today and Warchief.

It's that dream, and that attitude, that worries tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof, who is constantly at odds with the young orc. Cairne is given extended screen time in The Shattering, showing us what we've always known about him -- that he's an honorable, wise, and old-fashioned old bull. It's because of these qualities that he can speak his mind to Thrall, who is faced with some very tough decisions after a fire rages through Orgrimmar.

Thrall is given his own story, mostly separate from the intertwined events that take place throughout the novel. He's depicted as world-weary; he realizes that many of his decisions in running the Horde may not have been the right ones, and Eitrigg notes that Thrall has done little for himself since becoming Warchief. He has no mate, no child, no one to take his place should he "return to the ancestors." The mag'har of Draenor end up providing him with more than just knowledge of the elements, and Thrall emerges from the book as a much stronger and fleshed-out character than he has been previously.

Dealing with sabotage from within and without, and losing their venerable Warchief even temporarily, causes ripples throughout the Horde that turn into tidal waves, sometimes literally, while the shadow of the Cataclysm looms overhead.

But the Alliance also gets plenty of time in The Shattering. The Alliance storyline almost exclusively follows Anduin Wrynn, crown prince of Stormwind, as he interacts with notable leaders on both sides of the world (and of the Horde-Alliance conflict). His father, Varian, has been struggling with his dual nature, the result of the ritual that originally fused his warlike and kingly sides back together following his run-in with Onyxia. He lashes out at those around him, from Anduin to Jaina Proudmoore, and wisely suggests that Anduin spend some time outside of Stormwind Keep.

It's through this suggestion that Anduin gets to know "Aunt" Jaina and "Uncle" Magni Bronzebeard better, spending time both in Theramore and Ironforge. Jaina serves an important role in the novel as Anduin's surrogate mother; Anduin is an uncommonly well-behaved and mature kid, but he's still a kid with no mother and only half a father. Through tutelage from both, he discovers a side of himself that he always knew existed, far removed from the warrior his father wished he would become. And it may be that side of him that keeps his father from making a huge mistake.

The theme of father and child is present in another part of the Alliance story, focusing on Magni Bronzebeard as he desperately tries to determine what's causing the elemental upheaval that threatens his people. Throughout this process we learn the nature of his relationship with his estranged daughter Moira, and some shocking events, both elemental and political, occur that threaten to destabilize one of the oldest pillars of the Alliance.

What's interesting about this book is its focus. As stated previously, Golden deals almost exclusively with existing lore characters, which is a wonderful departure from books like Stormrage and the War of the Ancients trilogy. But for a book that acts as a prequel to Cataclysm, there's little (if any) discussion of Deathwing, or of the goblins and worgen. Even races like the blood elves, Forsaken, and draenei have little to no face time with readers. The book deals mainly with orcs, tauren, humans, and dwarves. Those who were expecting some exposition regarding other races might walk away disappointed, but not for lack of information on the aforementioned races.

The Shattering thrives in much the same way Rise of the Horde did -- on its characters, not its plot. That's not to say that the plot isn't well-crafted or interesting, but the nature of the novel as necessary, not ancillary, material to fill in gaps between Wrath and Cataclysm means that it follows a particular structure. Despite that, or possibly because of it, the book moves very quickly, making it an incredibly brisk read. There are plenty of action sequences amidst the dialogue and intrigue, so those who, like Garrosh, would rather bust heads than drink tea and chat, will appreciate the book too.

Avid players will appreciate appearances by minor NPCs they've met in the game, and small details in descriptions of action, environments, and spells will keep sticklers happy as well. You're right, Anduin, that is what dropping a totem sounds like.

My only real complaint with The Shattering, and it's a very minor one, has to do with the dialogue. Understand: I don't mean that the dialogue is bad in anyway. Characters are treated with all due reverence and the dialogue is rarely cheesy or ham-fisted, and never out of character, as it could be in previous novels. In fact, the dialogue tends to do a great job bringing out sides of characters we haven't seen before -- Cairne's angry side, for example.

Rather, it's small things that caught my eye; for example, characters' full names (and titles) are repeated a lot in speech, and I'm unsure if this is to make sure that readers new to Warcraft lore will be able to follow the multitude of characters or whether this is actually how people address each other on Azeroth. I'm willing to give Golden the benefit of the doubt on this one.

All told, The Shattering is one of the finest, if not the finest, Warcraft novel to date. Those hoping to bridge the gap between Wrath and Cataclysm will need it, and those stinging from the poorly-received Stormrage will appreciate the heart and soul that Golden, a WoW player herself, has given their favorite heroes and antagonists.

Verdict: Any Warcraft fan would be remiss not to read this book, both for its respectful treatment of the Warcraft universe and for its wealth of lore information.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will destroy Azeroth as we know it; nothing will be the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion (available Dec. 7, 2010), from brand new races to revamped quests and zones. Visit our Cataclysm news category for the most recent posts having to do with the Cataclysm expansion. Tags: aggra, anduin-wrynn, breaking, cairne, cairne-bloodhoof, cataclysm-game, cataclysm-guide, cataclysm-news, christie-golden, expansion, expansion-three, featured, garrosh, garrosh-hellscream, jaina-proudmoore, king-varian-wrynn, king-wrynn, magni-bronzebeard, moira-bronzebeard, next-xpac, the-shattering, the-shattering-prelude-to-cataclysm, third-expansion, thrall, world-of-warcraft-cataclysm, wow-4.0, wow-4.0.2, wow-cataclysm, wow-expansion, wow-guide, wow-third-expansion


WoW Warlock Leveling Manual - Electrical energy Level My Warlock

Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

Got a warlock? Want to level it to level 80 at the same time as speedy whilst attainable? To try this, it's highly prompt to exploit a WoW warlock leveling guide. Inchhierarchy to level your warlock egos to level eighty terribly temporarily, you would like to understand a couple up of the situation, and the present manual has all the general information.

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Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

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The present manual comprises alternative skill make determined-ups. This approach, you can obtain the general easiest ability make that suits you the overall most. This is often additionally very important because levelling a personality to 80.

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-----> Dugi's World Of Warcraft In-Game Guide

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